Sometimes we can feel that we have failed.
Sometimes we are outright told it.
But what if it wasn’t really your fault? At least not consciously. What if it was your own limited self-belief holding you back?
That would mean that the brave and confident you, were being held back by a stronger force you that may have, that obstacle of not believing in yourself. It would have set in many years ago, through many reasons that were not your fault. Now that is a fight we can and will all struggle with.
Even the most confident person will have lacked self-belief at some point in their lives, most will still lack it, but have learnt to fight it, and fight it well.
It can mean some people do not live the lives they thought they would or should be living, they may have had a few too many negative experiences in the past or failed attempts at things, so they give up.
This is understandable. I have been there too.
But, it does not have to be the end of the dreams you had, you have to move forward and live your life in a way which you really want to. You can change this, you really can. Work on your self-esteem and self-confidence and you will change the future.
Self-care, self-love, working on your confidence, self-esteem and a few good books on the above will be a great start (ill recommend a few at the end of this blog). Sit yourself down and write the plans for your future. 1. The plan you would like and 2. The plan you would love. Put it in writing. It helps.
Then work on the things you can do and decide what you will struggle with, work out what is holding you back. Is it time? Money? Self-belief?
I pulled myself out of my own ‘limiting self belief’ hole with the help of a great support network I had around me and I invested in some life coaching. I also have friends who had used hypnotherapy to help them, other friends used books to help them on their journey, but we all got there. And I am happier than I have ever been.
I have now set new goals to achieve.
You can too. Believe in yourself!
Here’s a few books you could try.
Six Pillars of Self Esteem - Nathaniel Branden
The Gifts of Imperfection - Brene Brown
Ten days to Self Esteem - David Burns
Feel the fear and do it anyway - Susan Jeffers
The Chimp Paradox - Prof Steve Peters
To name just a few
“What could we accomplish if we knew we could not fail?” - Eleanor Roosevelt